Police Commissioner Bastoni laboriously climbed the last few steps leading to the fourth floor, nodded in reply at the salute of Constable Locicero, standing by the open door, and entered the flat.
A wide, well-lit corridor, high wood-beamed ceilings, a few pieces of tasteful furniture: what one might expect in a luxury residence for wealthy tourists a few steps from the Pantheon.
He headed straight for the last room on the left, where a cone of light flooded the corridor, and excited voices hinted that his presence would be useful.
Apart from the almost blinding light shot upwards from a spotlight on the floor, the picture was largely usual to him, one he had often encountered throughout his 25-year career.
In one corner, Deputy Commissioner Manotta was talking to a black girl, head in hands, slumped on a grey designer armchair.
In the opposite corner, constables Cardone and Marianni, arms folded in idle mode, waiting for precise orders to go into action.
But the folded arms, outcome of long-standing work habits, clashed with the dumbfounded gazes directed at a precise point on the ceiling.





"London, February 27th, 1939
Greetings to the reader of this brief document, published for the first time after many years from the date it was written.
The date that I, Howard Carter, archaeologist and Egyptologist, chose for its presentation is today: November 27th, 2022, exactly one hundred years from the official opening ceremony, in the Valley of the Kings, of the KV62's first chamber, the tomb of Tutankhamun, as the world would have known in a short time.




Gambettola's Culture Councilor cleared his throat, took a sip of water and shot a glance at the audience.
No dice, the situation wasn't about to change, he was wasting his time. He figured there were no more than five, at most six voting citizens in the hall.
The seven old men in the front row had probably voted last time at 1946 monarchy - republic referendum. Their caregivers, all of them middle aged women from Eastern Europe, were focused on their cell phones behind them and didn't count as registered voters.




The timer had been ringing for a couple of minutes now, everything was under control. He finished mincing the lobster tails and seasoned them with pepper, oil and herbs.
Added a slice of grated lime peel and began to form the burgers with the ramekins he had used earlier for the lobsters.
He looked up at the clock, eight o'clock, half an hour until Giorgio's arrival.
Finely chopped the celery with a mandoline, dipped it in iced water and went on to whip up the carrot puree for the broth, adding a sprinkling of chopped hazelnuts.
